7 of Hearts
I can picture myself standing to the side of this channel with one of those fairground hooks you have. You know, where you have to hook a duck and when you turn it over, it tells you what you may (or probably didn’t) win?
I feel I want to get one of those chalices out before it moves away from me, just to see what is inside, if anything. They are all bowl downwards, and that to me shows I just HAVE to find a way of turning one over to have a look. If one had been upright, I may not have felt that level of curiosity. However, my imagination has been piqued. As I said already, it seems against the laws of physics or something, the way they are all bowl downwards. I just could not let that go unexamined. What are the hiding or protecting within, and why do the feel they need to hide the contents in this way?
The other option is to follow them, and just see where they go. Not sure I would have the patience for that – the water looks on the surface anyways, to be rather slow moving. I guess the key here is patience though. The ability to wait for as long as it takes to see if one of the chalices will turn itself over, proving itself to be the one I should focus on. Or waiting for the slow moving channel to reach its destination where I can then learn the purpose of the journey. After all there must be a purpose. Why else would so many chalices choose t follow the flow of the channel in this way?