9 of Hearts
Just as this woman of beauty is rising out of the flames and petals before her, we too have the power to rise and become our true selves. We have that gift and ability in our own hands but it must to be nurtured and loved in order to flourish. Otherwise we are left holding an empty shell, filled with nothing. That nothing is an invite for self hatred, loathing and other such negative emotions. If we show due care for the gift we have, in turn we are offering love to ourselves. It is only when we do that we can then extend the arms to others around us and offer up our love externally. You see, love comes within and therefore its first port of call should be the ‘within’. If we extend it to others without having gone through that first stage we are not offering love at all, at least not as the universe recognises it.
The love we have for ourselves is unique and special. It will be different to what can be offered to those around us. We have it in our power to withdraw some or all that we reach out with, but the one we have in our hand is always destined to be close to our heart – the seat of its growth and nurturing. It is of our choosing as to what we grow, and what we use to provide nourishment to that seed of choice…