10 of Spades

10 of Spades

10 of Spades

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The power of thought can be more powerful than we give it credit. I guess it is only when we are under pressure and stress we really understand how powerful, and then forget that when things are going okay but we want them to be even better. Negative or stressful thoughts can really be sharp and intense, which should in a way remind us to also acknowledge that power in a more appropriate way when things are going well. Yet we often take that state for granted in a way. The power doesn’t diminish at all, so it is a shame we do not give credence to it. All those tumbled images were in that persons head at one time, and it is clear to see it was all too much. Yet, they have somehow found a way to get them out of their head, and by doing so hopefully are taking steps to ease that pressure or intensity. They also feel backed into that corner and cannot even consider looking at the walls. Overload for sure. 

Strangely I find the words/text to be more frightening to acknowledge than the images. I guess it’s because when you read them, they are not just images but become actual voices in your head. Voices can be far more dangerous to deal with or acknowledge. Yet, there is that shaft of light in front of them. If only they could look forwards and nowhere else…. That path might just be there for the taking…